What is Virtual Private Server Means
VPS or Virtual Private Server although have own definition on wiki we will try on our best way to define what is VPS.
What is VPS
“A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual machine sold as an administration by an Internet facilitating administration. A VPS runs its own duplicate of a working framework, and clients have superuser-level access to that working framework case, so they can introduce any product that keeps running on that OS.”
Main attributes is that this is first of all this is Service on Dedicated Node.
Its based on Virtual platform known as Virtualization which can be used on OpenVZ,KVM and XEN.
OpenVZ offer you shared RAM,HDD and CPU.
KVM and XEN are virtualization which offer and give you dedicated resources intact from other part of the resources from the node.
Its Private because you are administrator of this service,you have super user level access.
You can install services and applications from variety sources according needs of the Administrator of the virtual private server.
You can this service use as you use your desktop computer but as your computer is in cloud which is important in 21 Century and about cloud we will have separate articles.