Facebook and twitter which is more famous
Hope that you have read the article about Google Trend about Web Hosting in 2016 year because the article was written before few days and conclusion was made from it.
I strongly suggest you to read it to understand what I write here.Here link again.
I will try to avoid to speak about Google Cloud and AWS for now as Hosting packages but will give you full story about them also.
They are also one of the reason the 2010 revolution in IT industry had fall down with their corporation behavior.
Hosting :Facebook vs Twitter Presence
Now ,we all know that the “Beasts of Internet Online Social Media” are Facebook and Twitter.
There are other but I will leave along a side because I will have critics against them that I don’t want to waste space in my Blog about them.
Watching the Trends of How Trends for Hosting is going on from Google side applying my empirical scientific approach according SEO Google Method I quite don’t wanted to leave the second side of all mighty SEO which will tell me how and in what direction is going Hosting Industry and this is Social Engineering Approach-Facebook and Twitter.
This is most important because Hosting even if you would like take in commercial side companies a lot of changed from 2004 years upward until today and now we see some signs that this sector is more and more wanted.
A lot of changed I will just point some factors,changing the algorithms of Search Engines,Releasing Hosting Resources without any limitation and many others that talking about LEB was not relevant anymore as category in Hosting.
After spending some hours of research I’ve come to this results and astonish me Really.
In search box for Facebook is was disaster without any recovery.
So few Fan Pages and Groups and most relevant authorities in this field are non existing with articles just few old well established magazines from IT Word as PC Mag from 18 May 2016 year.
And most results when come to posts on Facebook for keyword “Hosting ” came from our Hosting News Blog.
This bring us to final conclusion that if you need social signals ,followers,likers,users that follow your published content to Use Twitter as Social Media Presence and avoid Facebook.
If in Facebook there any users with IT interest why bother to build Fan Page or Group when is to obviously that all are on Twitter.