what is meant by .edu domain
Edu Defintion
What refer to this word.What means and what impact have in Computing World.
Some one will say Computer Science is first that will Pop Up in their mind.
Yes Edu refer for Education from all kind.
From our point of view as VPS owners and what we can achieve with such word is enormous.
Why Edu Definition
Wiki defined the word as domain sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet.
What is that this domain extension can bring us.
Just look around on forums and google it and you will see.
Every body search edu domains particular method how to create edu emails.
They can get easily access to some online resources as domains,subscriptions and so on from Big Players from Online world.
And this is fact.
I will not write how to get it because our forum have all ready Threads How to get Free Edu Email and Hot Spot Pro free for Students.
Every one has nevertheless is student or not.
Just for special people I will reveal secret how to use your own edu email.You must earn my trust to get this “deal”.
From IM EDU links are the “holy grail” of a net linking strategy. Indeed, EDU domains, and therefore EDU back links, have authority and trust in the eyes of Google and other search engines.